Train with us in person
1 on 1 Exercise Physiology
Small Group Training
It’s time to start exercising with purpose
At Sports & Exercise Physiology SA, we empower individuals in South Australia to reach their performance, training, and health-related goals. Our training facilities at Bedford Park and Westlake’s, combined with our expert coaching team allied health proffesionals provide the ideal training environment to set you up for long-term success.
Our clients
People looking to rehabilitate an injury.
People looking to manage an illness
Children playing sport
People with disabilities
Sport enthusiasts
Recreationally competitive athletes
Elite athletes
Claimable Services
Return to Work SA
NDIS • MEDICARE • HICAPS • Return to Work SA • DVA
Our Process
Step 1
At SEPSA, our initial aim is to understand you and your needs. We take the time to learn about your background, considerations, exercise needs, and goals. This helps us create a personalised plan that fits your specific requirements to give you the best results.
Step 2
Next, as part of our assessment process, we will evaluate and establish your current movement abilities. We asses flexibility, strength, coordination, and endurance. We then spend time interpreting these results w to establish your baseline and your priorities.
Step 3
We know how important it is to create a well-rounded exercise plan just for you. We believe in supporting our clients throughout the entire process, and we provide ongoing coaching to keep you motivated and on target. Our goal is to empower you with the skills and knowledge for long term success.
Do you have a question? Book a FREE chat with one of our expert coaches!
Discovery consultations are available for new clients interested in finding out more about our services, for current athletes looking to discuss their goals, and for anyone seeking advice from one of our expert coaches.
Hear from some of our past and present clients!