1:1 Exercise Physiology consults
In-person & Telehealth
SEPSA specialises in providing one-on-one exercise physiology sessions for people living with injury or illness considerations. If you have a specific exercise or sporting goal we’ll work with you to develop a personalised exercise plan based around your current abilities
What we do
We take into account medical history, lifestyle factors, exercise background and current movement abilities. We then match that information with complete understanding of what is needed to achieve your goals. Our experts then specialise in delivering exercise programs that will help you achieve your exercise related goals.
Exercise that’s designed for you.
1:1 Services perfect for:
Athletes and sports enthusiasts.
We help athletes and sports enthusiasts train for their sport and achieve their performance goals. We do this by first assessing how you move, the unique requirements of your sport and then coming up with a plan to get you moving stronger, faster and more efficiently.
People looking to rehabilitate or manage an existing injury.
Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) commonly work with individuals from a wide range of injuries. We'll work with you to reduce pain, manage and improve musculo-skeletal conditions, and help you get back do doing what you love most.
People living with a disability or managing a long term medical condition.
We help people with disease or disability train safely and effectively towards their exercise goals. We do this by working along side your medical and other health care providers to help you move, feel and live better.
Claimable Services
Return to Work SA
NDIS • MEDICARE • HICAPS • Return to Work SA • DVA
Leaders in exercise health & performance
Our mission is to give people the physical capabilities to do what they love most. We do this by:
Always putting the client first.
By combining the latest research with the clients’ needs, preferences and lifestyle.
Being collaborative and proactive.
We work closely with other health professionals (Doctors, Physiotherapists & specialists) to ensure our clients receive a coordinated and proactive service.
Harnessing new technology.
We pride ourselves on using industry leading technology to help us assess, prescribe and monitor exercise.